Kazakhstani tenge is winning back pips day after day with Russian ruble in the currency market. The reason doesn't need to explain. It's happening because price for oil started to go up. Does it mean that low prices of black gold is over?
According to 365info.kz, Brent brand oil price went up for 2% more and reached 40,24 US dollars per barrel during the today's electronic auction in London and New York Stock Exchanges.
Majority of experts are rewriting their opinions and predictions because of the rising price for oil. Let's make a review what they promise nowadays.
Famous analyst Jan Steward, Credit Suisse financial conglomerate official, has made his long term forecast which shows the estimation price of 50 US dollars per barrel till May 2016. According to him, prices of oil have to grow as the arrangement between the largest producers of oil on freezing of production at the level of January became a reality.
As Daniel Yergin, the vice-president of the IHS company which specializes in consultation of the governments, predicted, that $50 per barrel may happen no early by fall 2016.
According to Sergey Smirnov, Kazakhstan expert in the oil, the price at the level of $40 is called "exaggerated". Speculators are impressing the oil price by reasoning decrease in the quantity of digging platforms in the USA and final freezing agreement of oil supply between largest oil producers in late March 2016.
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Muhammad ash-Shatty, the official from Kuwait in OPEC, informed that OPEC has several options of going out from low prices of oil. As he noted, oil price might go up by 20-30 US dollars extra. And it's the most optimistic option that may happen after agreement on production freezing.
Problems of oil countries, including Kazakhstan, won't be solved even the oil price will increase till $50 per barrel.
For the proof of this thesis it is enough to look at development of an economic situation in Russia, which is repeated by Kazakhstan with delaying for a year. 50 dollars per barrel of oil is showed last year. However, the budget deficit in Russia composed nearly 2 trillion rubles.